In the meantime, please view other radar locations or satellite cloud and lightning imagery and watch for current weather warnings. The Bureau's radar viewer allows you to customise the radar map to display features that will help you locate rainfall in relation to locations and landmarks. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Emerald Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. The new temporary Brisbane Airport radar will be operating until the completion of the upcoming Brisbane (Marburg) radar upgrade in mid-2023. Radar Site Information. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. The Weipa radar is situated at Weipa Airport, approximately 7. It is being replaced with a new radar. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. 12. View the current warnings for Queensland. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images of the 64 km Sydney (Terrey Hills) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Latest radar images for 512 km Taroom sourced from BOM. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Other Radars. (beta) Map View MetEye. Alternatively view other radar locations or satellite cloud and lightning imagery and watch for current weather. The Cairns radar will go offline for approximately 9 weeks from 22/05/2023 for routine service works that will maintain and enhance its operational capabilities. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Wollongong (Appin) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. The radar is located on top of an isolated cluster of hills, approximately 27km NNW of Gympie, some two kilometres west of the Bruce Highway near Glenwood. Weipa 256km radar - BoM weather radar loop and rainfall readings from Farmonline Weather. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Richmond Radar. A maximum of 500 frames are shown for a given period. Check MetEye for weather forecasts and current observations. Other Radars. It is being replaced with a new radar. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. To display additional map features, select listed options. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Woomera Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Warrego Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. 9247°E 44m AMSL. 512 km composite Wagga Wagga Radar. Provides access to meteorological images. ⨀ Katherine Warruwi High. Good coverage can be expected in all directions from Torres Strait in the North to Edward River in the south. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Satellite Images. Provides access to meteorological images of the 64 km Yarrawonga Radar Loop radar of. 7° beam width. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Dampier Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. 5km southeast of the township of Weipa at a height of 44m above mean sea level and 25m above ground level. 17. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. National Radar Loop. Provides access to meteorological images. The Mackay radar will be offline from 1 June 2023 for approximately 26 weeks. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Namoi (Blackjack Mountain) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Link: Bowen Radar Page. W. Loops. Single images. View the current warnings for New South Wales. Reflectivity return echoes generally have good. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. 3 °C. Weipa Weather Watch RadarQueensland. Provides access to meteorological images of the 256 km Bairnsdale Radar. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Perth (Serpentine) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Weather delivered differently. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. The Mackay radar will be offline from 1 June 2023 for approximately 26 weeks. Provides access to meteorological images of the 256 km Mount Isa Radar Loop radar of. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images of the 256 km Warrego Radar. Loops. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Rainbow Radar radar of rainfall and wind. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Gladstone Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. View latest 64km, 128km, 256km, 512km, rainfall, doppler wind and satellite images. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite South Doodlakine Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. 7 day Town Forecasts Advertisement Tuesday 18 July Summary Min 19 Max 33 Mostly sunny. See a real view of Earth from space,. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Taroom Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Alice Springs Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images. Single images. When hovering over the radar image, you can use the mousewheel to zoom and then pan by clicking. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Radar Images. Provides access to meteorological images of the 256 km Warrego Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Check MetEye for weather forecasts and current observations. 92° E) Type: WF 100 C-Band Availability (Typical): 24 hours per day Interpretation Notes The Weipa Radar is situated at Weipa Airport. View other radar locations or satellite cloud and lightning imagery and watch for current weather warnings. 128 km Woomera Radar Loop. 512 km composite Emerald Radar Loop 2. Provides access to meteorological images of the 256 km Townsville (Hervey Range) Radar radar of rainfall and wind. Provides access to meteorological images of the 256 km Darwin Airport Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. 9247°E 44m AMSL. Provides access to meteorological images of the 64 km Weipa Radar radar of rainfall and wind. Radar. 6 min. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Check MetEye for weather forecasts and current observations. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Bairnsdale Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Select "Weather Observations" in the "Map Features" below to display the observations here and on the radar map. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Check MetEye for weather forecasts and current observations. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Rainbow Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Yarrawonga Radar. This radar is currently out of service. See a day, or a week of archived weatherThe Brisbane (Marburg) radar will be offline for approximately 26 weeks from 26 April 2023. If you register for an account then settings you have chosen will be remembered between page loads. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Gympie (Mt Kanigan) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Availability (Typical): 24 hours per day. Weather delivered differently. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. 22. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. View the current warnings for Queensland. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Melbourne Radar. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Mount. Provides access to meteorological images. . Interpretation Notes. View other radar locations or satellite cloud and. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Carnarvon Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Gympie (Mt Kanigan) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. 1 hour. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. It is being replaced with a new radar. Provides access to meteorological images of the 256 km Weipa Radar radar of rainfall and wind. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Broome Radar radar of rainfall and wind. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Wollongong (Appin) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. For emergency assistance, call your local emergency authority on 132 500. Provides access to meteorological images of the 64 km Melbourne Radar Loop radar of. W. Radar. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Longreach Radar radar of rainfall and wind. Cairns: 128-km Range – Loop | 256-km Range – Loop | 512-km Composite – Loop (BOM) Weipa: 128-km Range – Loop | 256-km Range – Loop | 512-km Composite. 512 km composite Brisbane Airport Radar Loop. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Historical & Current BoM weather radar loops for Australia inclding rain rate, and doppler wind radars. Location: Abbot Point (lat 19. The new temporary Brisbane Airport radar will be operating until the completion of the upcoming Brisbane (Marburg) radar upgrade in mid-2023. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour:Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Alternatively view other radar locations or satellite cloud and lightning imagery and watch for current. The radar is situated at the top of the hill at the Northern tip of Abbot Point, approximately 25km North West of the Bowen Township. Weather delivered differently. Weipa: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: Doppler wind: 41: Willis Island : 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: Doppler wind: Click "64 km", "128 km", "256 km" or "512 km" to see the latest 30 minutes of looping imagery. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Perth (Serpentine) Radar radar of rainfall and wind. Provides access to meteorological images. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Clicking on the radar image starts and stops the animation. Check MetEye for weather forecasts and current observations. 512 km composite: National: Received at: 13:05 UTC Tue 18 Jul 2023; EST CST WST; 11:05PM: 10:35PM: 09:05PM:Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. The Cairns radar will go offline for approximately 9 weeks from 22/05/2023 for routine service works that will maintain and enhance its operational capabilities. Reason: Technical or equipment problems. Provides access to meteorological images of the Australian weather watch radar of rainfall and wind. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Canberra (Captains Flat) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. . Single images. Check MetEye for weather forecasts and current observations. 5km southeast of the township of Weipa at a height of 44m above mean sea level and 25m above ground level. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. View the current warnings for New South Wales. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Weipa Weather Watch Radar Queensland QLD 12. View other radar locations or satellite cloud and lightning imagery and watch for current weather warnings. 512 Km composite. Provides access to meteorological images. 6664°S 141. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Radar Site Information. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Hobart (Mt Koonya) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. The Weipa radar is situated at Weipa Airport, approximately 7. Good coverage can be expected in all directions from Torres Strait in the North to Edward River in the south. Provides access to meteorological images of the 64 km Emerald Radar Loop radar of. 20pm – 19/2/15. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Wagga Wagga Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind.